Project Team Alignment Partnering™

Project Team Alignment Partnering™

2022 and 2021
IPI Partnering Awards

2022 and 2021
IPI Partnering Awards

“Project Alignment™cuts across organizational silos... communicate openly, to identify and mitigate risks, and to resolve issues quickly at the lowest possible level.”

Tom Brasher, co-creator of Alignment Partnering™



Project First Thinking

Project First Thinking

Project First Thinking

Alignment Partnering™ breaks down company siloes and elevates participants to “Project First” thinking - allowing them to focus on “What’s best for the Project?”.

Alignment Partnering™ is a facilitated meeting which acknowledges the realities of working within an organization. This structured meeting creates a neutral space to identify and analyze project issues and problems - then, finding ways to resolve them for the good of the project.

As with all things Lean, it’s based on Respect for People - we don’t view others as obstacles, or mere vehicles for accomplishing our goals. “Respect” values the individuals working collaboratively for a common goal, but all the while acknowledging the realities of being human.




  • •Achieve a state of High Performance on your team.
  • •Neutral third-party facilitation
  • ◦Create a “safe space” where everyone is equal.
  • ◦Measure Trust and Respect.
  • •Re-align “silos” to horizontal competence teams that solve issues at the lowest level.
  • •Brainstorm risks and opportunities and solve actual project problems.
  • •Set and track project goals.
  • •Everyone leaves the session feeling heard and empowered.

How Does It Work?

How Does It Work?

How Does It Work?

Traditional Siloed Project Teams

In a Typical Project Team, project teams work in silos (each with their own Executives, Managers, and Staff/Field), then reach out to other silos. This creates inefficiencies, the potential for miscommunication, and is a rigid hierarchical structure.


Re-Aligned Project Teams

In Lean Alignment Partnering™, the silos are re-aligned with a cross-section of Executive, Manager, and Field/Staff from each company that solve problems and make decisions so communication flows to create a more high performing project team.

Traditional Siloed Project Teams

Re-Aligned Project

In a Typical Project Team, project teams work in silos (each with their own Executives, Managers, and Staff/Field), then reach out to other silos. This creates inefficiencies, the potential for miscommunication, and is a rigid hierarchical structure.


In Lean Alignment Partnering™, the silos are re-aligned with a cross-section of Executive, Manager, and Field/Staff from each company that solve problems and make decisions so communication flows to create a more high performing project team.